2 in Neuseeland

Reisezeit: Dezember 2009 - Januar 2010  |  von Caro D.

02./03.01.2010 Nelson - Motueka Kina Beach

Am 1.1.10 ging's um halb sechs am Abend auf die Faehre von Wellington nach Picton. Die Ueberfahrt in den Sonnenuntergang war toll. Knapp vier Stunden spaeter dort angekommen haben wir an einer kleinen Strassenbucht in den Marlborough Sounds uebernachtet.

Am naechsten Tag fuhren wir weiter ueber Nelson Richtung Abel Tasman Nationalpark. Leider haben wir zu wenig Zeit, um die schoene Gegend und gerade den Nationalpark laenger zu geniessen und zu erkunden.

Aber wir haben tolle Straende gesehen mit goldenem Sand und absolutem Karibikflair in der Ruby Bay und an der Kueste lang.

Am Kina Beach uebernachteten wir auf einem urigen Campsite direkt mit Blick auf das Meer - der Morgenkaffee mit diesem Ausblick jeden Tag, das waere zu schoen, um wahr zu sein

Das kleine Staedtchen Nelsen versprach etwas mehr, als es dann tatsaechlich gehalten hattte, aber wir konnten unser Fahrrad reparieren - mit Hilfe von gleich 3 Neuseelaendern, die perfekt ausgeruestet mit Werkzeugkoefferchen und viel Tatkraft den neuen Schlauch montieren halfen.

Sunset in the Marlborough Sounds on our ferry-journey to Picton. Stunning beautiful landscape.

Sunset in the Marlborough Sounds on our ferry-journey to Picton. Stunning beautiful landscape.

The first hour the sea was very wild but got better as soon as we got into the Sounds

The first hour the sea was very wild but got better as soon as we got into the Sounds

Before heading to bed we got this great view from our parking spot on the little road from Picton to Nelson.

Before heading to bed we got this great view from our parking spot on the little road from Picton to Nelson.

Rabbit Island - one of the most beautiful Islands next to the Abel Tasman National Park.

Rabbit Island - one of the most beautiful Islands next to the Abel Tasman National Park.

Ruby Bay with it's golden looking sand.

Ruby Bay with it's golden looking sand.

The area around Motueka was too crowded so we drove a littel south to a small campsite on Kina Beach - the most beautiful we found so far... Very natural for only 10 bugs

The area around Motueka was too crowded so we drove a littel south to a small campsite on Kina Beach - the most beautiful we found so far... Very natural for only 10 bugs

That's the stunning view from our bed in the morning with the first coffee of the day. During the night the sea was only a stone throw away

That's the stunning view from our bed in the morning with the first coffee of the day. During the night the sea was only a stone throw away

It was raining cats and dogs so we had a little break at Berlins on our way down to the Pencake Rocks.

It was raining cats and dogs so we had a little break at Berlins on our way down to the Pencake Rocks.

It was raining, raining, raining, raining...
Going for a pee you can't wear anything except your Bikini, but you got soaked till your skin.
But as you can imagine we had a lot of fun anyway!

It was raining, raining, raining, raining...
Going for a pee you can't wear anything except your Bikini, but you got soaked till your skin.

But as you can imagine we had a lot of fun anyway!

© Caro D., 2009
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Neuseeland 02./03.01.2010 Nelson - Motueka Kina Beach
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Wir hatten uns gedacht, hier ein paar Zeilen zu unserem Urlaub in Neuseeland für die daheim gebliebenen zu hinterlassen ;-)
Aufbruch: 16.12.2009
Dauer: 4 Wochen
Heimkehr: 15.01.2010
Reiseziele: Neuseeland
Der Autor
Caro D. berichtet seit 14 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Bild des Autors