2 in Neuseeland

Reisezeit: Dezember 2009 - Januar 2010  |  von Caro D.

26./28.12.2009 Tongariro National Park

In den zwei Tagen hier im Tongariro Nationalpark sind wir am ersten wie geplant das Crossing gelaufen: 19,4 km, 800 Hm rauf und 1.200 Hm runter. Da wir es gemuetlich haben angehen lassen und ich um die 300 pics gemacht hab dauerte der ganze Spass 8,5 Std. inkl. Pausen. Der Track fuehrt durch einen ocker-gelbfarbenen Krater quer hindurch, am Red Crater vorbei und eine kleine Anhoehe hinauf von wo aus man einen supergenialen Blick auf die Emerald Lakes hat. Drei kleinen tuerkis-blaue Seen inmitten von gelben, ockerfarbenen, braunen und vor allem schwarzem Vulkangestein. Ein toller Anblick!

The view to Mt. Ngauruhoe from our campsite at the NP. With the cloud like James Cook described as he discovered New Zealand --> Land of the long white cloud

The view to Mt. Ngauruhoe from our campsite at the NP. With the cloud like James Cook described as he discovered New Zealand --> Land of the long white cloud

The track starts pretty comfortable and smooth

The track starts pretty comfortable and smooth

After a few kilometers we had to climb up a little bit between the volcanic stones and rocks, but the path was well prepared

After a few kilometers we had to climb up a little bit between the volcanic stones and rocks, but the path was well prepared

Juhu - 4 kilometers done

Juhu - 4 kilometers done

That's the path we came up... The starting point was in the middle of the pic right behind the clouds.

That's the path we came up... The starting point was in the middle of the pic right behind the clouds.

Nice view down

Nice view down

We were really lucky not to see flying rocks *hihi*

We were really lucky not to see flying rocks *hihi*

Good boots for the hike through the South Crater - approximately in the middle of the track.

Good boots for the hike through the South Crater - approximately in the middle of the track.

View back down the South Crater where you can clearly see the path.

View back down the South Crater where you can clearly see the path.

The first break between the South and the Red Crater. We had such strong winds up there - they suggested up to 60 km/h and we were lucky to have our good jackets and hats with us.

The first break between the South and the Red Crater. We had such strong winds up there - they suggested up to 60 km/h and we were lucky to have our good jackets and hats with us.

Now we came from the Red Crater down to the well known Emerald Lakes.

Now we came from the Red Crater down to the well known Emerald Lakes.

Unfortunately the track was really busy...

Unfortunately the track was really busy...

In the middle you can see a lava field and in the back the big Blue Lake. The weather changed very fast. One second mist the other storm the next sunshine - weard weather!

In the middle you can see a lava field and in the back the big Blue Lake. The weather changed very fast. One second mist the other storm the next sunshine - weard weather!

Just a snapshot...

Just a snapshot...

The Red Crater right behind us on the way up to the Blue Lake

The Red Crater right behind us on the way up to the Blue Lake

Flowers on the way, the lava field and the Red Crater

Flowers on the way, the lava field and the Red Crater

Hot sulfur springs. The water was dark grey...

Hot sulfur springs. The water was dark grey...

The contrast was the end of our track right through a kind of rain forest with huge ferntrees.

The contrast was the end of our track right through a kind of rain forest with huge ferntrees.

Almost done!!! Only 400 meters left ... And we were sooo lucky - especially Daniela

Almost done!!! Only 400 meters left ... And we were sooo lucky - especially Daniela

© Caro D., 2009
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Neuseeland 26./28.12.2009 Tongariro National Park
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Wir hatten uns gedacht, hier ein paar Zeilen zu unserem Urlaub in Neuseeland für die daheim gebliebenen zu hinterlassen ;-)
Aufbruch: 16.12.2009
Dauer: 4 Wochen
Heimkehr: 15.01.2010
Reiseziele: Neuseeland
Der Autor
Caro D. berichtet seit 14 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Bild des Autors