Eine Langnase macht Ferien in Südostasien

Reisezeit: Januar / Februar 2010  |  von helmut richard gerlach

Siangboxing - Camp Bangsaphan

I found the box-camp with my preparation SIANGBOXING in net.
It is directly in the Petchkhasem road in Bangsaphan yai,
in the middle of a quiet palm wood,
if one can train here and also one bungalow rent.
From bangkrud i came along with him Bicycle the way. (25km)
This was planned i back with a samlor with wheel goes.
There i had come really enthusiastically.
A very nice European women showed me them Arrangement.
Three days later i have, this time with taxi, in this camp
Accommodation covered.
From the outset i had a good feeling, and was to be allowed
to coach happily here.
However back to bangkrud i am with bicycle, together 50km,
everything for the THAIBOXING- SPORT.

Thank you to everybody of the SIANGBOXCAMP,
i come again,
best greeting from Helmut germany



Boxtraining for a better fitness.

Boxtraining for a better fitness.

On the right, ANTUAN, height 183 cm, a french muay-thai boxer.
Him lives in Thailand and already 89 fights made.
His fight weight - 71kg.

On the right, ANTUAN, height 183 cm, a french muay-thai boxer.
Him lives in Thailand and already 89 fights made.
His fight weight - 71kg.

Antuan, in 2008 he won the Malaysia cup.
In the middle my trainer, always relaxing and funny.

Antuan, in 2008 he won the Malaysia cup.
In the middle my trainer, always relaxing and funny.

i learn technik.

i learn technik.

daily one hour box-training,
besides, then swim, yoga, fitness, enough for today.

daily one hour box-training,
besides, then swim, yoga, fitness, enough for today.

the teacher and me - sanuk--sanuk

the teacher and me - sanuk--sanuk

inside my bungalow.
with sitting room, bedroom, wc, shower,
very spacious.

inside my bungalow.
with sitting room, bedroom, wc, shower,
very spacious.

live in the middle of the wood,
wonderfull !

live in the middle of the wood,
wonderfull !

eye-catcher- directly in front my home.

eye-catcher- directly in front my home.

everywhere  forest.

everywhere forest.

Du bist hier : Startseite Asien Thailand Siangboxing - Camp Bangsaphan
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Noch 12 Tage,.. dann steige ich,Helmut aus Berlin, in den Flieger nach Bangkok. Noch nie habe ich mich so gut vorbereitet, so das mein Urlaub mehr den Charakter einer Studienreise inne hat. Trotz aller Planung gebe ich auch diesmal wieder "dem Zufall mehr Raum". Nun ist es schon mein zehnter Trip nach Thailand, nur gelegentlich besuchte ich die Anrainerstaaten, Myanmar, Malaysia und Kompodscha. Warum ich immer wieder nach Thailand reise ??? versucht es selbst heraus zu bekommen
Aufbruch: 09.01.2010
Dauer: 5 Wochen
Heimkehr: 11.02.2010
Reiseziele: Thailand
Der Autor
helmut richard gerlach berichtet seit 14 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Bild des Autors