Unsere Indienreise 2015
Mumbai - Ahmedabad - Udaipur: Ask the Maharaja - Interview 1

Ask the Maharaja - Interview 1
Im ersten Teil unserer neuen Interview-Serie (Ask the Maharaja) stellen wir euch
Mr Gandouk, Besitzer des angesagten House of Fashion in Udaipur
(siehe Business Card) vor. Wir treffen ihn eher zufällig am Ghat...
Gerrit: So Mr Gandouk, you're a taylor here in Udaipur..
Mr G: Yes yes, sir, I am a taylor, a really famous one! You wanna suit?
Gerrit: Eeehm...
Mr G: Everyone needs a suit! For celebration, invitation, funeral, business talk,
for marriage! And of course: To buy a suit you need a suit.
Gerrit: Allright, but...
Mr G: Tell me my friend, which country?
Gerrit: Well, Germany.
Mr G: Aah Germany. I been to Germany! Hamburg? Berlin? Cologne?
Gerrit: Munich.
Mr G: Muuunich! BMW! You know BMW? I worked for them. Many customers!
Siemens? Many customers too!
Gerrit: That's impressive, you really seem to be a famous...
Mr G: But tell me my friend, what costs a suit in Germany? Is it 200, 400, 4000?
HaHaHa! And not even taylored! Won't fit you, always too large.
With me, 8000 Rupees, you get a real hand-taylored one. Makes you look tall
and thin! You choose, Egyptean cotton, Kashmere silk, Merino wool,
I just use the best! So you wanna suit?
Gerrit: My backpack is kind of full...
Mr G: We send you home!
Gerrit: I'm kind of in a hurry now. Dinner with friends..
Mr G: Won't take long! Right now, come on!
Gerrit: But I really don't need a suit!
Mr G: Everyone needs a suit! Anyway: Here is my card.
Aufbruch: | 01.08.2015 |
Dauer: | 9 Wochen |
Heimkehr: | 04.10.2015 |