Foxy and the Kiwis!!!

Reisezeit: Oktober 2006 - Oktober 2007  |  von Anja Fuchs

Awesome Time

Sorry everybody at home,but I have to write this report in english.The reason is,because I'm telling you about my "Family" here in Christchurch and most of them don't speak german.

I showed you already a lot of pictures of the landscape and the typical tourist things here in New Zealand.But to be honest,how can it be the nicest country,if you feel lonly or bored?
From the 1st moment,I walked into the Chester Street Backpackers I felt at home.
The first few days Anne,Seb and I were the only germans,all the others were are from England.
Just after a few days the first Party was on.We celebrated Christmas on the 25.of June...Midwinter.Everybody wore a funny hat and we ate Lamb and veges,of course we didn't miss the dessert .
There were the "medics" Rachel 1,Rachel 2 and Jonny from Sheffield,they worked in the Hospital and stayed with us for 7 weeks.
Gemma...a lovely girl from near London full of joy and crazy ideas.She workes here in the Hostel and in a Shoeshop,and one thing that she wants to do here in NZ....she wants to marry an All Black-Player! (Rugby-Nationalteam).
Good luck Gemma,i believe in you!!!
My german support here at this time are Anne & Seb,who I know for ages (that's what it feels like).
Andy also joined our little group.He's a "professional" Boogie-Man from Nothigham who "is not even bothered" about "awesome news",he walks through the house with an friendly-funny "oh yeah" on his lips.(Sorry...little Insider,but I had to say it like that.)
Yvonne also worked in the hostel,she left just a few days after the Party to go to Aussi.
When she left...Karen arrived.She and Gemma are the "Queens of the castle" (Manager)

After 1 weeek they moved me into a twin room,because I'm a long term stayer,so I can have my own space.Soon after that my roommate arrived.Jess is a funny person with such a nice sence of humor.
I think I don't have to describe myself,I didn't change that much.They call me "the crazy german...Should that make me pensive???
The X-mas-Party was not the only one,we also had a yummy Mexican Night.
During the week we are all good kids and go working,but at the weekends we try to use out time for the nice things of life.
I did for example a weekendtrip with Jonny and the Rachels to Kaikoura.They were swiming with the dolphins while I enjoyed the view over the sea and the snow covered mountains wih a nice coastal walk.
What else is one of "the nice things" of Chester Street???


Oh yeah,the Saturdays are always fun.The clubs here cost no money to go in,so we just keep on traveling through the nightlife of Christchurch.
The best night was just a few days ago...The 70's-german-Wrestling-Party.
Music from the 70's,german Food and dressed like Wrestler or 70's.
I guess you all can imagine,that we all had more than fun in our weird outfits.
After dinner and a warm-up boggie in the kitchen we went to town to show the city-kiwi's who knows how to be cool.I don't know,if I would go out like that at home,but the reactions of the people on the street and in the clubs were hilarius.We didn't care at all,we just danced like there is no tomorrow.
What a awesome night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After nights like that we all needed a rest on the sofa or went for a walk to the botanical-garden.
I think you understand now,why I love it here.It's the people what makes me feel at home.It's not always easy to be home away from home,especially when you miss your family and friends at home in Germany.You come home after work and there are familiar faces,who don't ask you all the time these "Backpacker-Questions":"Where have you been so far?...Where are you from?..."

I will be off now for a few weeks holiday to explore the deep south of NZ.I'm happy to know,that when I come back to Christchurch,my friends will be still here,while I'll earn more money for my way home to "my people" at home ,on the other side of the world.

Friendship improves happpiness
and abates misery
by doubling our joy
and dividing our grief.

Joseph Addison

Jegliche Rechtschreibfehler wurden vom Autor erfolgreich und absichtlich ignoriert.

X-mas Group,10 cameras and every picture had another 'theme',guess what it was here?

X-mas Group,10 cameras and every picture had another 'theme',guess what it was here?

Jonny and the Rachels in Kaikoura...with Kid

Jonny and the Rachels in Kaikoura...with Kid

Rachel1 and me at the Mexican Night
exausted after work

Rachel1 and me at the Mexican Night
exausted after work

Paul,Michelle,Anne Seb and me

Paul,Michelle,Anne Seb and me



Kiss Kiss Kiss

Kiss Kiss Kiss

Girlsnight out!!!
Gemma,Rachel2,Jess and me

Girlsnight out!!!
Gemma,Rachel2,Jess and me

Fresh air..very important

Fresh air..very important

Tired?Rachel1 and Jonny

Tired?Rachel1 and Jonny

the germans....they made potatoesalad

the germans....they made potatoesalad

groovy,that's the way to present pictures

groovy,that's the way to present pictures

Room No 5

Room No 5

the Chester Street Team

the Chester Street Team

1 2 3 Wrestling...

1 2 3 Wrestling...

The Boogie-Man(Andy) and me

The Boogie-Man(Andy) and me

Hello from down under

Hello from down under

© Anja Fuchs, 2006
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Neuseeland Awesome Time
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Ich wage mich aus der schwäbischen Provinz in das Reich der Maoris. Wie Bilbo Beutlin (Herr der Ringe) schon sagte: "Es ist gefährlich seine Füße vor die Türe zu setzen, denn man weiß nie wohin sie einen tragen." Und so stürze ich mich in das ungewisse Abenteuer, fernab meiner Lieben, um interessante Menschen kennen zu lernen und Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Kommt mit auf meine Reise und teilt mit mir meine Eindrücke Neuseelands.
Aufbruch: 23.10.2006
Dauer: 12 Monate
Heimkehr: 23.10.2007
Reiseziele: Neuseeland
Der Autor
Anja Fuchs berichtet seit 18 Jahren auf umdiewelt.