Australien - Die Zweite... // Nachrichten von Rose

Reisezeit: April / Mai 2013  |  von Rose aus Berlin

K'gari (Paradise)

Fraser Island

Fraser Island

K'gari (Paradise)

Beeral is the creation spirit who lived high up in the sky, responsible for making the first people of K'gari (Fraser Island).

But first Beeral had to send his messenger Yindingie, the Rainbow Serpent, who was responsible for creating all the land, trees, forests, animals and the sea. Yindingie had a helper, her name was K'gari and she was a beautiful white spirit from the sky. She loved helping and worked tirelessly. Yindingie could see that K'gari was doing too much. After all that hard work, Yindingie told K'gari to rest and "lie on those rocks over there and have a sleep."

K'gari lied down and was soon asleep. When she awoke she saw that Yindingie had created the most beautiful bay with lovely sandy beaches, little islands dotted here, a long winding river and a lovely mountain in the distance. "Oh, what a beautiful place" said K'gari. "I would like to live here forever". "But you are a spirit. Your home is in the sky" replied Yindingie. K'gari begged and pleaded until Yindingie gave in and said, "I will have to change you in something else". So he asked K'gari to lie on the rocks over there in the sea again and when she had done this, he changed her into a beautiful island. He clothed her with a forest of trees, shrubs, ferns and lovely orchids. He made her pristine lakes to be her eyes and he put the sound of her voice into the tinkling of the flowing creeks. He created the animals, the birds and all creatures to live in her forests, lakes and sea.

Then he created the Butchulla People at Mooen (Moon Point). Yindingie taught all these living creatures and people the Magic of Procreation, so that K'gari would never be lonely. Yindingie took the people right over the whole island, teaching them where they had to live and what they had to do. When they got back to Mooen, he stepped across the sea to a place known today as Dayman Point and then took another step onto the top of the lovely mountain in the distance. He turned around to face the people at Mooen Point and named them Butchulla People. He put his left arm pointing to Burrum Heads in the north. Then he put out his right arm pointing to Teewah Beach in the south. He nodded his head at the land lying between his arms and said "Now this is your land, but you must look after it. I will give you three laws which you must keep, and which you must pass on to your children and to their children and so on forever".

And the three laws are:

1. What is good for the land comes first
2. Do not touch or take what does not belong to you
3. If you have plenty you must share

© Rose aus Berlin, 2013
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Australien K'gari (Paradise)
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Wie schon im Nov 2007 schnapp ich mir wieder meine italienische, ehemalige (fast-)Schwiegermutter Maria und begleite sie nach Australien, wo sie ihren Sohn besucht und ich nach kurzem Aufenthalt weiterreise. Noch drei Tage und dann geht's los: von Rom über Dubai nach Sydney und dann 5 Wochen Ostküste und Top End, mit Bahn und Bus. Ich hab für den Anfang nur die ersten drei Nächte Ostküste gebucht, alles andere ist noch offen :-)
Aufbruch: 12.04.2013
Dauer: 7 Wochen
Heimkehr: 28.05.2013
Reiseziele: Australien
Der Autor
Rose aus Berlin berichtet seit 11 Jahren auf umdiewelt.